Well Water Systems:
Typical Well Water Installation
Products most commonly used:
- pre-filter
- iron filter
- water softener
- reverse osmosis with booster pump
Commercial grade clear cartridge housing with a pressure relief valve, heavy duty mounting bracket and filter wrench.
The most common cartridge is a 25 micron string wound commercial grade product with graduated filtration.
- installed with an isolating ball valve on the inlet and outlet for ease of service
- used to prevent well sand from corrupting the injectors, piston and seals in the iron filter or softener
- frequency of change: typically 4 to 6 weeks
- concept is similar to filters on a vehicle: air, oil, fuel
Manganese Greensand Filter: the fibreglass tank is similar to a water softener and contains greensand media with a gravel underbed. A quality chemical tank sits beside the unit with the regenerant, potassium permanganate.
Features of the SWS units:
- a commercial Fleck control valve with 1" internals which is capable of supplying the high flow needed to effectively backwash manganese greensand which weighs 100 lbs. per cubic foot.
- integral bypass
- mechanical metering for years of dependable service
- service flow of up to 19 gal/ min. with adjustable cycles for regeneration
- custom built to match the output of your well pump
- will handle most situations with iron, manganese, and H2S gas
- Unit consists of two tanks: a slim vertical tank containing Dowex resin and a brine tank for the regenerant (see photos)
- Has a fully automatic control valve which meters household use for demand regeneration resulting in excellent efficiency and cost control
- Ion exchange resin eliminates minerals and regenerates periodically with inexpensive softener salt.
- Reduces the use of soaps, shampoos, and cleaners by 80% or more
- Reduces skin problems; does not strip off natural body oils
- Extends fabric life 33%
- Extends the life of plumbing fixtures, dishwashers, hot water tanks especially the new tankless models
- Reduces natural gas hot water heating costs up to 35%
- Typically saves a household $25.00/month per person
- Four stage drinking water system consisting of two pre-filters, a membrane, storage tank, and post- filter.
- High production TFC membrane ( up to 3 gal./ hour) removes 98% of metals such as mercury, lead, sodium and aluminum
- The filters remove sediment, chlorine, pesticides and organic contaminants (see details under City Water, Whole House Carbon Filter)
Booster pump required for all Well Water applications.
- Unlimited supply of healthy drinking water
- Huge savings over bottled water (CHART)
- Healthy air in your home with hook up to furnace humidifiers
- Convenience: connect to additional faucets e.g. bar sink, ensuite, fridge dispenser and ice-maker, or a bottleless cooler if desired
- Great for washing fruit and vegetables, steam irons, house plants, hobbies
- Coffee makers and kettles last “forever”
- No worries about leaching from plastic bottles
Our Scheduled Maintenance Program is truly unique in the industry because we keep track and we call you to
perform the following detailed service, normally semi-annually.
- Test product water of Reverse Osmosis unit
- Test and check other equipment e.g. softener and iron filter
- Re-pressurize storage tanks
- Sanitize tank, sumps, faucet lines
- Install new filters, rinsing a food grade sanitizer through them also